Owner and founder of Honey Yoga
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
Birthday: February 9; Aqua sun/Leo moon/Sag rise
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Education: 200-hr YTT with Nature's Whisper School of Yoga.
Prenatal YTT with NWSY
Prenatal YTT with Blooma Yoga
B. A. Psychology, minor in Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Favorite yoga pose: Trikonasana, Supta Baddha Konasana
Least favorite yoga pose: Warrior III
Teaching style: I’m going for mindful and focused and also juicy and yummy. And loving and supportive. Doing my best to keep learning from my students every day.
Yoga tunes: Vibey, plenty of hip-hop, anything that sounds good in your body. You can find my playlists here.
Fave fruit: grapes and clementines
Interests outside of yoga: Eating and drinking good things, magic, running, reading about consciousness, pressuring everyone I know to listen to my fave podcasts, sending memes to my siblings
Neighborhood: North Park
Fave place in San Diego: The cliffs in Del Mar where the train tracks are. I see dolphins there about once a year and it always means something good is about to happen.
Special Talent: I’m very good at estimating measurements of stuff (how much something weighs, circumference, length, etc…)
Favorite book: Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingolver, Anything by Sharon Bolton
Best thing yoga has taught you: That there really is no end to my body’s wonder or wisdom.
Teachers/mentors/inspiration: My own intuition, Lindsay Mack, Jess Lively, Jolie Cash
Quotes: "It's dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you're feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them." -Aldous Huxley
“The places we are seen and heard are holy places.” –Rachel Naomi Remen
“a lunchable is charcuterie if you’re not a fucking classist” –@nomunnynohunny on twitter
IG: @bridget.regan