Janel Calinog
My love for movement began at a young age since my mom fortunately enrolled me in dance and gymnastics classes growing up in San Diego. I remember taking my first heated vinyasa yoga class in high school and becoming hooked. I continued to take classes whenever I could. Ten years later when my mom passed, I rediscovered yoga in a healing and empowering way, truly dedicating my mind, body and spirit to a regular practice. I decided to complete my 200-hour teacher training in Spring of 2024 and have been grateful to share my appreciation for this ancient practice in community ever since. Yoga reminds me of the resilience that is in each of us, and that when we strengthen our own mind-body connection, we allow ourselves to heal together.
Slow Honey
The vibe at class:
Ground. Connect. Flow.
Each class I remind students to listen to their bodies, return to their breath and practice gratitude and compassion for themselves from pose to pose because every day is different. It is important for me to use inclusive language, offer personalizations and create a sense of community by using names and encouraging students throughout class. My favorite part about teaching is creating a theme that is genuine to me that day or week, then tying that theme to my cuing and music playlist. I hope students leave feeling connected to their truth and harmonious in their bodies.
It's less about how it looks and more about how it feels.
My favorite yoga pose is Wide-Legged Forward Fold or Prasarita Padottanasana because I feel balanced in my body -- strong and rooted in my lower half, while light and relaxed in my upper half. Twists can be extra challenging for me but I appreciate the detoxification I feel throughout my body afterwards.
You can find me relaxing at home with my cat or traveling with loved ones. I love exploring new places and try to experience somewhere different as much as I can.