Laura Rodriguez

I've practiced some form of asana off and on through most of my life, but was always left seeking something "more". After years of chasing that magic everyone talked about when they talked about yoga, I finally found it at Honey, and in May of 2024, I graduated from our very own 200-hr Honey YTT. My journey as a teacher is just beginning, and it is my honor to share what I am learning along the way.

Honey Flow

The vibe at class:
Joyous. Mindful. Encouraging.

  • I love a creative flow that is equal parts challenging and freeing. You can expect many calls to presence, the occasional lesson from yogic texts alongside our asana practice, and the honoring of your choices each and every time you step on the mat.

  • Your presence IS yoga. Asana is just one of many tools to shape your focus in the present moment, to gain awareness of yourself.

  • Trikonasana & supta baddha konasana. I find both postures to be simultaneously steadying and freeing.

  • Item descriptionCreeping around museums, headbanging at a metal show, communing with nature, cuddled on the couch, and chipping away at my novel.