Meet Michelle "Mychaella" Jachimowicz

I immersed myself in the first Bhakti Festival (Joshua Tree) in 2009, after taking just a few yoga classes. I got exposed to a multitude of incredible teachers and styles and realized that the world of yoga was much vaster than what I had originally thought. Since then, I have taken classes and been trained in the traditions of Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Acroyoga and Restorative yoga. My personal practice has been consistent throughout the years, but I change styles to fit my mood and what I am trying to achieve in my life. Practicing yoga, even for just a few minutes, has been incredibly valuable for my life! My goal as a teacher is to help others feel a greater sense of ease and joy living in their bodies.

Honey Restore

The vibe at class:
WISDOM : ancient, modern, inner

  • I design my restorative classes based on knowledge I have from yogic philosophies, ancient wisdoms, neuroscience, and my training as a massage therapist and craniosacral therapy practitioner. My intention is to create a space for students to come to rest, release tension and hopefully initiate a new conversation within and between their bodies and mind. I believe some of the most profound teachings comes from a space of deep listening to our body’s innate wisdom. Brining ourselves into a space of deep stillness allows for new possibilities in our lives to emerge.

  • Make your yoga practice uniquely yours, every time you get on the mat. Two quotes that summarize this beautifully : 1) “While not all yoga classes are made for all bodies, all bodies are absolutely made to experience yoga.” -Dianne Bondy. 2) “We don’t use our bodies to get into a pose, we use a pose to get into our bodies.” -Unknown. So, use props to help support your body through a pose, skip a vinyasa or if the pose is not right for you at that moment then change it. Let this practice feel good, it will keep you coming back for more.

  • Savasana. It’s the one pose all styles have in common and an important time for integration. I also love Yoga Nidra, which is traditionally done in savasana!

  • You can find me juggling somewhere, roller skating, being out in nature (ocean, hiking, parks…), or with my family and friends.