Rae DiMidio

I have had an intimate relationship with yoga since I was 16, beginning in a mom and pop gym in Philly. I am a huge believer in going to the root or origin of all things so I took myself to India where I spent time to learn, grow and become a teacher. I’ve been devoted ever since, taking yoga with me while allowing the world, my life and all its lessons to be my greatest teachers and inspiration.

Honey Flow, Honey Restore, Prenatal Series

The vibe at class:
Flow: Funky, Expressive, and Devotional
Restore: Intentional, Releasing, and Opening
Pre-Natal: Curated, Authentic, and Intimate

  • When you come to my classes, I will invite every practitioner to take a magic carpet (aka their yoga mat) ride and join me in a practice that upholds untamed authenticity. You will feel my heart as I keep presence at the forefront holding space for our time together and teach from a centered place. I want everyone to express, to feel safe, to move with intention and lightheartednes while having fun! Because yoga is not all that serious. I am a lover of a good theme, a funky creative flow and a jammin playlist that reflects that. I love sharing some philosophy and some real juice along the way because honestly what lights me up is witnessing everybody in the room doing what feels good for them. I desire everyone to feel empowered, recharged, centered, celebrated and free. My belief is that WE are co-creating together because you are my teachers and inspiration as I am yours. And when I find myself in the ‘We Space’ everything is possible.

  • Yoga is a transformative process that is not meant to be perfected. It is a vehicle to become more intimate with yourself on all levels and is a direct reflection of what is occurring internally. It cracks you open and rearranges the pieces creating Oneness. And the best part…. You get the chance to do it with others right beside you.

  • Crow pose (Bakasana), it is the gateway of all arm balances and it creates an opening without fear. I love taking flight and feeling the weightlessness and I’m even a bigger love of witnessing others doing the same!

  • When I am not teaching yoga I can be found taking care of and hanging out with my daughter who is currently under 1 years old. We go on a lot of lady dates.

    I also love to create art, particularly I am in a phase of working with watercolors and colored pencils. I love being quiet it recharges my batteries. Sometimes I hop on my long board and scoot around my neighborhood. You can also find me seeking out coffee shops I haven’t been to.. I love matcha lattes, cacao and interesting flavored lattes.
    I also love to write poetry (sometimes share about my own life philosophies and what I’m learning), shoot bows at the archery range, and watch out for birds of prey in the skies. I love to move my body whether I am lifting or groovin to a stellar beat. I have random daydreams about being a DJ one day.